This is where astrologers come in, with their perspectives as to how astral bodies influence us both personally and collectively.
The Age of Pisces, which we are just leaving, was about creating structure and order, in particular with respect to our beliefs, social systems, and psyches. It was the age where religious and social structures were developed and broadly adopted (or forced). This was a part of evolutionary necessity (and I do understand that point could be argued), as these structures created clear guidelines around “how to be a human”. Which whether or not you agree with how we have gone about it, clearly have been in support of the human species establishing itself with great (albeit temporary) certainty on this planet. But, guidelines for growth eventually become boundaries against evolution. Certainly this is where we are at collectively, as we now bump very uncomfortably against the systems and structures that are most certainly no longer serving us as a species. As we enter this Age of Aquarius we enter a new era of creative innovation and humanitarianism, in service of shifting the collective from a “me” to a “we” mindset. It is an age of major transformation where the energy is pushing us to break free of limiting physical structures and rigid psychological conditioning. If you have gone through any personal transformation in your life then you will know that a sure sign of imminent break-through is the experience of great egoic resistance! The ego does NOT want change. The ego has been charged with keeping us “safe” and keeping us safe means ensuring that the established boundaries are not compromised in any way. STAY IN HERE, the ego says. WE KNOW HOW THINGS WORK IN HERE AND OUT THERE IS UNKNOWN AND THEREFORE DANGEROUS. Ah yes, thank you collective ego, we most certainly hear you. Right now we are seeing the collective ego rise up to meet the imminent change in the collective psyche. And it isn’t pretty! Enter the ALCHEMIST! The Age of Aquarius is the age of ALCHEMY. Alchemists of old were concerned with finding a universal solvent that could liberate energy from form thus freeing this energy to adopt a new form. They hypothesized that if they found this solvent it would enable them to (a) attain eternal life as by releasing energy from decaying cellular material it could be used to create new cellular material and (b) turn lead into gold, by the same reasoning. Although they did not succeed in that goal as such, they did succeed in anchoring in a very powerful human archetypal aspect into our collective consciousness – that of The Alchemist. And through the establishment of this archetype a pathway for each of us to access our own remembrance as to how to liberate ourselves from outdated forms of thoughts, beliefs, patterns and habits, thereby liberating the form of our lives, minds and bodies in ways that absolutely transcend the limitations of the sticky forms of fear and ego. And that is why now, the stars do indeed align, for you to invite your inner alchemist forward. This archetype is in all of us. It is time to turn collective lead into gold – one heavy thought, emotion, word and belief at a time. Inner transmutation = outer change. The Alchemist’s Tool – The Violet Flame Introducing…The Violet Flame, the modern alchemist’s transmutational fire. This healing ray is the energy of this new age. It can be used by anyone to assist in the process of personal transformation as it works to liberate energy from where it is bound to emotions, thoughts and physical structures in ways that are not in alignment. Although much of what you will find if you google seems to relegate the violet flame to use only by those who are in direct dialogue with the angels, that is not the truth of this healing ray! The Violet ray is but one of the rays of color in our own visible electromagnetic spectrum – we are made of this light from the sun and the violet is but one ray in that light. It couldn’t be any more a natural part of us! It is so simple and easy to use. I have created a video recording of a workshop that I recently offered – The Violet Flame Demystified - in the hopes that it may help people everywhere access this potent tool, so that we can all be working together for this new age. One heavy thought, emotion, word and belief at a time!
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